The Dangers of Hidden IT in Federal Contracting Companies with Facility Clearances

The Dangers of Hidden IT in Federal Contracting Companies with Facility Clearances
The Dangers of Hidden IT in Federal Contracting Companies with Facility Clearances

In this high stakes world of federal contracting, where DoD, NSA and CIA depend on the cutting edge research and development, the risks related to concealed IT are very high. There is a major concern regarding national security as a result of introduction of unapproved devices as well as apps. This creates room for insider threats among other issues like cyberattacks and supply chain vulnerabilities. This makes it an absolute necessity that there are strong security protocols in place at the national laboratories such as ANL, LLNL, and LANL in order to foster technological innovation. When dealing with classified research duties; concerns about IT governance should be paramount for companies so that they can protect sensitive information and maintain the integrity of their mission critical functions.